January & February 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.        Prov. 11:24-25
Camargo:  Though much of our efforts now are on getting the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista ready to organize from a mission into an autonomous church, we continue with all of the outreach ministries.  Besides three services a week, we continue knocking doors, to get the gospel to the city of Camargo, with a person calling on Christ to be their Saviour now and then!  I led Mario to the Lord last Wednesday and he was in church on Sunday, and says he is going to continue! Amen!   The Children’s Bible clubs also meet Saturday mornings; adolescents and teens meet in the afternoon.  They just went to a Teen Conference in Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, and some came back with a conviction to get more involved in their local church!
    We’re praying the Lord would raise up someone from here to take on the teen ministry.
Transition:  On March 25 and 26 we plan to organize the church, ordain my assistant, Jorge Orozco and for the church to call him as pastor! Amen!   Please pray for him and the church that they would fall in love with Jesus Christ that this church would not only exist, but abound to the glory of God!
We’ll also dedicate the building to the memory of my wife Connie, who was a vital part of planting this church when we started in 2012, until the Lord took her home 6 ½ years ago.
    I plan to report to those supporting churches that I haven’t reported to since 2017.  E mail me if you would like me to come some certain time, otherwise I will call you to set a date.
Manos a la Obra: When I turn the church over, I will still be a Missionary to Mexico, with the “Hands to the Work” ministry.  I’ll be working from the US to continue taking building materials, pews, Bibles, literature, hymnals and such to Mexico, to be a help and encouragement to pastors and churches.  I have taken pastors down on these trips, and the Mexican people are so thankful when they see the love and burden the Americans have to see souls saved and churches started and strengthened!  I would like to see this aspect of the ministry expand, for Pastors and church members, Bible College students, prospective Missionaries, and Christians who want to be a blessing and be blessed, to take a short term mission trip with me to Mexico, to challenge them in their involvement with missions, the heartbeat of God!
    Please pray the Lord would bring me someone to help driving, loading, locating materials etc.
Praise: Teens challenged; Bible Baptist Church of Camargo to be autonomous; My good health that I can continue with “Hands to the Work”
Prayer: Services for Church Organization; Pastor Jorge & Michel, that they and the church would be faithful; Youth director; Building dedication; Souls saved & Christ glorified!; Assistant with “Hands to the Work”.
Ron Winter  
Your Co-laborer in Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

November & December 2022

Dear friends in Christ,

Happy New Year! I trust you had enjoyable Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s celebrations as we celebrated God’s goodness and mercy!
A Special Thanks to all who sent an extra Christmas bonus! What a blessing!

Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation,
Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd. Numbers 27:16, 17

Camargo: The first weekend of November Brother Dave Lydick preached the Ninth Anniversary conference of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista! The fellowship was sweet and the preaching powerful, with several at the altar most services! At the end of the last service we baptized 6 people!

Transition: March 25 and 26, we plan to have special services to Organize the church and Dedicate our church building. We’ll ordain my assistant, Jorge Orozco and call him as the next pastor of the Bible Baptist church here in Camargo!
I would like to invite all of you to come celebrate with us! Email me!
You need to have your passport up to date!
After 36 years working in Mexico, I plan to relocate to Oklahoma.
I’m getting the materials from the U.S. for the new ministry, and I’d like to be nearer my kids and grandkids when I am home, so it seems the most prudent!

Hands to the Work: When I turn the church over, I plan to continue working the “Hands to the Work” ministry of transporting building materials, etc. to Mexican churches, as the Lord allows and provides!
I took delivery of my trailer that I had built in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua! It is such a blessing to have a bigger, enclosed trailer that I don’t have to tarp!
I just made the maiden voyage with it, to bring windows, doors and a piano that Bro. Kevin Langly and his son Bryson brought to Oklahoma from North Carolina. Also some pulpits and chairs that were donated, all of which I delivered to 4 different churches and ministries here in Chihuahua, Mexico. The trailer was completely full! I also brought a bunch of girl’s school uniforms that I still need to get to an orphanage / children’s home in Sonora, Mexico.

Praise: A good 2022 and New Year; 9 years Bible Baptist Church; New trailer

Prayer: Iglesia Bíblica Butista; Transition & services; Moving to OK

Your Co-laborer
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

August, September, October, 2022

Dear Friends in Christ,
We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth; 2 Thessalonians 1:3
Camargo:  Attendances of the Iglesia Bíblica Bautista have been up and down, with school activities, etc. 
As we continue to knock doors, about every week there is someone who really seems convicted of their sin, and calls on the Lord to save them, or at least allows us to present the gospel to them.
     We took several teens to a state-wide youth conference in August and again the last of October.  Several teens confessed their sins, recommitting their lives to the Lord!
     The Saturday Bible clubs had been well attended, but attendances have fluctuated lately.  But praise the Lord, more children have been coming out to the Sunday morning church services.
Eight year old Mary and her 12 year old sister America had attended the Bible clubs and Sunday church services for a while before they were able to convince their parents, José and Diana to come to church with them.  After coming a few times, all four of them trusted the Lord as their personal Saviour!  This last Sunday we baptized all 4 of them!
     Valley Forge Baptist Temple sent a construction crew of 12 down to help us with flooring, ceilings, painting, electric, and outside stuccoed the front wall and tiled the entry roof on our church building.  They were not only a blessing with the building remodeling, but were a tremendous help to encourage and challenge our church to work together in their church, to the salvation of souls!
Hands to the Work ministry:  The new ministry the Lord has allowed me to start continues to be a blessing to several churches.
In September, Brother Kevin Langly brought building materials to El Paso for churches in Mexico.  Pastor Julián from Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua and Pastor David Eckblad from Phoenix Arizona, accompanied me to load and haul the first trailer load of pews, windows, doors, pianos, etc. to a church in Guaymás and another in Navojoa in the state of Sonora, as well to churches in the state of Sinaloa, Los Mochis, San Miguel and Tosalibampo, all on the western side of Mexico.  I was also privileged to preach 3 times on the Sunday we were there.
     Upon coming out of Mexico at Nogales AZ, we picked up chairs, ceramic tile, windows and pews in Arizona, New Mexico and the Texas panhandle.  We then picked up the rest of the building materials in El Paso.  This second load we hauled to Pastor Julian’s church in Cuahutemoc; more than 4,000 miles on a 10 day trip.
Transition:  Please pray as we finalize the time and plans, and get things in order to turn the church over to my assistant, Jorge Orozco, early next year.
Praise:  Souls saved; Bible clubs, José, Diana & girls saved & baptized; Construction team & work accomplished; Hands to the Work – 5 churches helped in September, traveling mercies;
Prayer: Souls saved & baptized; Church to be faithful and work in harmony; Transition, Bro Jorge
Bro. Ron Winter
Your Co-laborer in Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

June & July 2022

Dear Friends in Christ, 
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. -John 12:26
Camargo: Our Vacation Bible School went well, with several new children who don’t normally come to our weekly Saturday Bible clubs, for a high day of 105!  This was the first time we only had it 3 days, ending on Sunday morning, with 12 children making a profession of faith!  Several new children continue attending our Bible clubs and some Sunday services.  We had hoped more parents would come on Sunday, the last day, but 3 adults came with their kids!
    A few souls have also been saved knocking doors and from our evangelization efforts!
Camp:  We took 14 teens to camp in the mountains in Creel, Chihuahua, about 6 hours from here.  There were a total of 80 teens, with many making a commitment to serve the Lord in a greater way in and through their churches, and one trusted Christ as Saviour!  The title of the camp was: God is Seeking a Servant!  I was privileged to preach the final service, telling of blessings and trials throughout my life that the Lord used to strengthen and help me continue on in the ministry.  All of the teens and some adults responded to the invitation!
Anáhuac:  Three young men accompanied me to the 24th anniversary celebration of the Iglesia Bautista, Semilla Preciosa in Anáhuac; that the Lord allowed us to start in 1998.
My assistant, Jorge Orozco, completed his Bible institute studies by correspondence, under the direction of the pastor and his brother, Eduardo Orozco.  They combined the Missions Conference, Anniversary and his graduation into one special event!  It was a blessing to the young men, to observe an indigenous church, and to see Bro. Jorge graduate!
Transition:  We are praying and visiting with the church families to calm any apprehensions they might have with putting Bro. Jorge in as the next pastor of the Bible Baptist Church here in Camargo.  Please pray with us for the Lord’s leading in these changes, that we would have unity, and that the church would go forward as I step down.
Hands to the Work: I’m transporting building supplies and church furniture from the United States, to Mexico.  I wrote in my last letter of my need for a truck I can pull trailers with.
I had asked you to pray I could sell my Expedition.  I put a for sale sign on it, and 15 minutes after I left home, the Lord sent a buyer with cash!  So with that money, the money several churches sent toward the purchase, and what I had been saving, I was able to buy a truck!  Thank you to all who helped!  The license bureau here was having problems when I took it to nationalize it, but they assure me they will be able to finalize it in 2 to 3 weeks!
    I’m praying this ministry will be a blessing to a lot of churches and pastors in Mexico; that they would be encouraged and many souls would be saved because we were able to help and encourage them to keep winning souls and discipling converts!
    Please pray the truck will be ready to haul pews, windows and doors to Sonora and Sinaloa the middle of September!  If you’re interested in a quick trip to Mexico for a week to 10 days, I should have room for up to 5 people with passports, to help drive, set up pews, be a blessing and allow God to work in your heart!  Email me if you are interested!
Praise: Good VBS and camp! Souls saved! Anáhuac church 24 yrs., Jorge graduated; Truck
Prayer: Souls to be saved & baptized; Transition of pastors; Sept. trip to Sonora & Sinaloa
Bro. Ron Winter
Your Co-laborer in Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico

April and May 2012

Dear Friends in Christ,

Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 1 Corinthians 3:8

Furlough: I had a great 2 month furlough! It is good to be home after 7,845 miles!
It saw my four kids, and fourteen grandkids, a couple days here and there!!
I reported to the last church on May 1, and crossed the border into Mexico, May 3!
I brought down and we delivered pews for a church in Chihuahua City, a baby grand piano and stackable chairs for the first church we started in Anáhuac Chihuahua, and 22 boxes of girl’s school uniforms to a children’s home in Navojoa, Sonora!
Praise the Lord for those churches and individuals who donated all these items! They are truly a blessing to the work of the Lord here in Mexico!

Teens: We took 8 teens to Parral, Chihuahua to a state-wide teen conference. We dealt with the theme of “Love in Relationships”. Teens need to know what real love is, to be able to experience the love of Christ and have a right love relationship with the opposite sex!

Arturo: We went to the graduation of Arturo from the Bible Institute in Navojoa. He came back back with us to Camargo for a one year internship. We’re praying it will be a productive year for our church, and for Arturo to know the Lord’s will for his future.

Guaymas, Sonora: We took advantage of the trip to Sonora to take 6 doors from the US, and 20 church benches that a church here in Chihuahua had donated, to a church in Guaymas. Pastor Bernardino who was run over by a hit and run driver two years ago, is walking with difficulty, building the church and church building!

Hands to the work: Please pray I can sell my Expedition in Mexico and buy a good truck in the U. S. to transport materials to churches in Mexico.
I need to get it before September, to be able to nationalize it at very little cost. Three churches have given money toward a truck. If a few more churches could help, with what I have saved, and the sale of the Expedition, I should be able to get a good, reliable truck!
While in Sonora, I learned that some of the churches are copying tracts as well as scripture portions and other materials, on a copier. If you know of other ministries who provide Spanish Bibles, hymnals, tracts, etc., please email me their information! I’d like to be able to partner with them to get God’s Word into these needy areas!

Transition: We have prayed since we started the Bible Baptist church here in Camargo Chihuahua, for the Mexican pastor that should take the church, for it to be indigenous. The church and my present assistant, Jorge Orozco are praying to confirm the Lord’s will for him to be that pastor, or that the Lord would send someone else!

Praise: Souls saved; Great, safe furlough; Provision of materials; Safe trip to Arturo’s graduation; Doors, benches & uniforms delivered
Prayer: Souls saved, baptized; Right pastor for the church in Camargo; Arturo’s service

Wisdom, discernment and provision for a good truck, to sell the Expedition

Bro. Ron Winter
Your Co-laborer in Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico