May & June 2021

Dear Friends in Christ, 
           Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace… Hebrews 4:16
Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista has been so blessed through all of the quarantines and everything associated with this past year. Some in our church got sick, but all have recuperated with few residual problems. Here in Camargo we are not officially under any lockdowns right now! Praise the Lord we continually have visitors!
   We weren’t allowed any door to door evangelism, but just got back to it, with 15-20 of our folks coming out to knock doors. I got to witness to a lady with 3 small kids, in a huge house in an affluent neighborhood, who seemed very concerned for her soul. She assured me she would read the John and Romans book. I’m praying for another opportunity to speak to her and for her salvation!
   We had our first ever Men’s Meeting, with 16 men from here and ten from other towns.  I was able preach to these heads of households, with every man at the altar at the invitation!
   For Father’s Day I preached from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-11; of the need to teach and practice diligence for the next generation to observe, in light of the Lord’s soon return!
New Ministry: The Lord has been working me into a new ministry: “Manos a la Obra”, “Hands to the Work”.  I import church furniture etc., and help and encourage churches and pastors in Mexico. Pray for the Lord’s direction and provision in this new ministry!
   In May I went up to Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma to bring down an antique pump organ, some chairs, etc. for churches and a children’s home and Bible institute!
Next Pastor: It’s good for me to leave once in a while, so my assistant Jorge, and his wife Michel, learn how to lead the church, if he would be the next pastor. It also helps the church to grasp the idea that I’m not always going to be here!    
   Please pray for the Mexican pastor, the church and myself to know the Lord’s direction and timing to turn the church over!  My plan is to continue in this new ministry. .
Jovanni: I’ve been asking you to pray for a 15 year old boy from here whom they now say has a mix between Aplastic Anemia and Leukemia. He is receiving treatment in San José CA, because he was born in the U.S.  He just received a bone-marrow transplant from an older brother, so has a long, hard road ahead! Pray that through this, he and all of his family would be saved, as there’s not much fruit even from those who claim to be saved.
Praise: Church members are well; Good Mother’s day, Men’s meeting & Father’s day; Able to knock doors; Safety in travels; Visitors to services
Prayer: Souls to be saved and baptized; Lady with 3 kids to be saved; Next pastor; God’s will for my life; Jovanni’s healing / family’s salvation
In His Service,
Bro. Ron Winter
Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico