November & December 2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

And the gospel must first be published among all nations.   Mark 13:10

Happy New Year!  Thank you for all your prayers and faithful support during another year.  I also want to thank those of you who were able to send a special Christmas offering as well!
    I’m anticipating new opportunities to serve the Lord in 2022, and trust that all of you will achieve what the Lord has for your ministries!  I’m praying for His soon return!

Ministry Opportunities:  I had mentioned how busy July and August always are, but from July to date, it hasn’t let up!  Praise the Lord for numerous opportunities to serve Him!
    In the middle of November I preached a family conference in Chihuahua City.
    At the end of November I picked up building materials from Zapata Texas, with Missionary Dennis Barnett, that several churches, businesses etc. had donated.  Bro. Kevin Langley and his family from North Carolina get the materials, Christmas gifts for the Bible club kids, etc. and they bring them down to Texas.  I hauled a trailer load of pews, windows, doors, air conditioners, etc. to a church in Coxcatlán, San Luis Potosí. They just built a new building, after several years in a bamboo building.  I brought another load of windows doors, etc. back to Chihuahua.  I took two pianos to Pastor Eduardo in Anáhuac, Chihuahua to recondition them, then I’ll take them to churches.  We’ve also taken building supplies to a couple other churches in the state, and are still distributing the rest of them.
    So ready or not, the Hands to the Work Ministry is answering the needs of several churches, though at this time I don’t really have time to work it as much as is needed.

Camargo: The Iglesia Bíblica Bautista here in Camargo, Chihuahua is seeing some growth!  Gaby, her husband Raul, his 3 sons and her daughter have been attending services for a few months.  Gaby had been helping to prepare food and refreshments for the Saturday Bible Clubs, even before she was saved!  One night after the service, she got saved, and now wants to get baptized, and she is still serving!  Amen!  Pray for the others to be saved soon!
    For a couple of months before, we promoted our Christmas program, for the Bible club children to bring their parents and adult relatives, to win special prizes.  The Saturday before the program we gave the gifts to 117 children, many of whom would not have gotten much, if anything for Christmas.  A few parents came to some services before the program, and the day of the program about 16 adults visited!  We gave the prizes to those who brought family, and we had a couple of piñatas, candy for the kids, and dinner for all, for a record attendance above 130, all of whom heard the Gospel message!  Now we’re encouraging them to continue, as well as sharing the Gospel with them.

Family: After Christmas, my son Andrew, his wife and 4 daughters came down to visit me!  The ladies organized some things in my house, and Andrew put a garden in front of the building, and did some projects inside as well.  Several teens and men came to work, and ladies from the church brought food each day!  A lot was accomplished during that week!
    Andrew preached our watch-night service and also on Sunday!  They were a blessing!

Praise: New year to serve; People saved; Christmas program; Supplies gotten to churches
Prayer: We’re hosting a state-wide youth conference Feb. 4 & 5.  I’m preaching at a couple’s banquet Feb. 11; Our Mission Conference Feb. 18-20; Souls to be saved and lives changed!

Bro. Ron Winter
Your Co-laborer in Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico