September and October 2006

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. … Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:34-35

Church: The “Precious Seed” Baptist Church in Anáhuac celebrated its eighth anniversary. We had a special dinner, with 91 in attendance, 5 people saved, and 8 baptized! We had a great time of food and fellowship, and a testimony time that lasted well over an hour! Many of the testimonies were of gratefulness to the Lord for bringing a church into town that preaches and practices the Bible, and for their family’s lives that have been changed. Praise the Lord!!
Please pray for Rigo and Ofelia, and their 4 kids, for Jesús, Susana and Rosa – adults who were saved at the anniversary celebration.
We have had 20 saved through our church efforts in the last couple of months. AMEN!

Teens: We took 11 teens to camp, with more than 200 teens in attendance. Most of our teens surrendered to do whatever the Lord would have them do, and to get involved winning souls.
Two young men surrendered to serve the Lord full-time. Please pray for them to keep their priorities straight, and to go to Bible institute as soon as possible. We also had three saved; one new girl, and two who thought they were already saved. AMEN! Since camp, the teens have won 12 other teens to the Lord! Pray for all the teens and that their excitement will continue!!
We have been praying for over a year for 17 year old Perla, who had been saved but had gotten into rock music and the world. She has been coming around little by little, and went to camp with the youth group. She surrendered to do the Lord’s will at camp. Upon returning home, she was baptized on our anniversary Sunday and brought her mother and an aunt to the services. AMEN!
Please pray for Alejandro who is 15, and says he is saved but won’t submit to the Lord for baptism.
Also, please pray for César, who used to be faithful and fell away from the Lord. He came to church for the first time in months, and needs to get right with the Lord.

Pastor: We are still asking God to give us the man that He wants in Anáhuac as pastor. While at camp, I had the opportunity to talk to some pastors who have Bible institute graduates working in their churches, and there are three good possibilities. I have been in contact with them, as well as with a couple who is completing their last year of institute this next spring and they are also praying for the Lord’s direction.

Praise: Great camp, safety to and from, and for decisions – salvations, and for the difference we’re seeing in our teens; Wonderful anniversary celebration;
People saved in services, as well as on visitation; People who have been baptized

Prayer: Teens to serve the Lord; Pastor for the church; Saved to grow in the Lord; Alejandro; Cesar

In His Service,

July and August 2006

Dear Friends in Christ,

“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.” Jeremiah 17:7

Anáhuac: The “Precious Seed” Baptist Church continues to reach the community, knocking doors, and bringing visitors. In the outreaches of the church, there have been 11 people saved, of whom some continue coming out to the services. Please pray for these, as well as some who attend faithfully, but who still need to submit to this first step of obedience and surrender to believer’s baptism.
The last Sunday of April, we celebrated the “Day of the Child”. We had a great attendance and two teens saved. Many new children came, some accompanied by their parents. The teens were in charge of games, activities, prizes and we also had refreshments. Everyone had a great time!
Our folks have been getting more involved with reading their Bibles and memorizing the weekly verses. Please pray for our teens as we take them to camp the last week of July, that they would surrender to the Lord’s will for their lives.

Pastor: We have been praying that the Lord would raise up the right man to pastor the church in Anáhuac. In July, I went to the graduation of a Bible institute in San Pedro de las Colonias, Coahuila, and presented the need for a pastor. After asking the college students and graduates, as well as pastors and their churches to pray about our need, two different couples told me that the Lord had spoken to their hearts. Please continue to pray for us to know who the Lord would want to pastor this church, permitting us to move to another location in Mexico and start another church

Family: My dad passed away unexpectedly the middle of May in Colorado, at 86 years of age. We appreciate all of the calls, and notes of encouragement. His grace is sufficient! I never could pin my dad down as to when he got saved. Although he left the Lutheran church 28 years ago, and attended the Baptist church where my brothers, sister and I went upon being saved, we weren’t sure of his salvation. At the funeral, the pastor told us that from conversations with my dad, he was confident he was saved, so we rest in the comfort that we will see him again one day!

Furlough: In May and June we reported to some of the churches that support us. The Lord has blessed us with great meetings in the churches, where we have seen some saved and several commit their lives to serve the Lord in a greater capacity.
The church in Anáhuac has continued faithful in our absence. Praise the Lord!

Praise: People saved; Visitors; Faithfulness of the church; Testimony of my dad’s salvation; Safety and results reporting to churches.

Prayer: Saved to be baptized; Youth camp – decisions; Right pastor for the church in  Anáhuac

In His Service,

May and June 2006

Dear Friends in Christ,

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:4

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa had a great “Resurrection” day!!  This is the biggest vacation time here in Mexico but God blessed our services and even brought visitors.
We have had 25 more saved as a result of the outreaches of our church. Please pray that more will surrender to baptism. Gabriel Lugo came forward for baptism last Sunday.

Teens: Fifteen of our teens went to a camp here in the mountains, the week after Easter. There were 75 teens in attendance and the theme of the camp was “The New Age Movement”.
I honestly didn’t know much about it, until I began studying and preparing messages for camp. With what I had studied and from the other messages we heard, our eyes were sure opened! The “New Age Movement” is a tool that Satan is using to take God from our minds. It is a mixture of astrology, evolution, eastern religions, reincarnation, lack of moral rules or absolutes, and etc …. We could easily see what it is that our world and many churches are conforming themselves to. Of course Satan is getting things ready for the tribulation, which just reminds us that Christ is coming soon! !
Many of the teens memorized the 25 verses that applied to the theme. Our teens were challenged, encouraged, and most came back with more resolve to serve the Lord. On Sunday they gave testimonies of what they had learned and what the Lord had done in their lives at camp.
One young man, Ivan, surrendered his life to full time service. AMEN!
Horacio and our daughter Bethany, each came in second for the best boy and girl camper.
Of course, Satan has already shown himself and has tried to rob our teen’s enthusiasm. Continue to pray for our teens! They are making plans for another camp the end of July!

Pastor: While at camp, I had opportunity to talk to some people about a pastor for our church. We have also been in contact with a Bible institute, and there is a couple graduating that would perhaps be interested in coming and working here for a year, with the possibility of taking the church as pastor. Please pray with us that the Lord would send the right candidate.

Family: Our second son Andrew and his wife Shana gave us our first grandchild, Hannah Elizabeth, on March 21. What a precious blessing!! Upon graduating from Bible College in May, they will be doing their missionary internship at the Bible Baptist Church in Stillwater, OK.

Praise: Souls saved; Successful camp; Ivan – full-time service; Our granddaughter, Hannah!

Prayer: Saved to be baptized; Teens to reach others; Attacks of Satan put down; Ivan to pursue his calling; Pastor for the church

In His Service,

January and February 2006

Dear Friends in Christ,

“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9

Happy New Year! We trust that all of you had a wonderful Christmas, as we did. We’re excited to see what wonderful things the Lord has in store for this New Year!

Anáhuac: The “Precious Seed Baptist Church” had a special Christmas program; celebrating Christ’s coming to this earth to redeem us from our sin.
The teachers in the Sunday School classes and the children honored the Lord with a great testimony of the Lord’s grace and mercy in coming to save us.
The teens prepared a drama that depicted the real meaning of Christmas, and that special care must be taken to honor Him every day of the year.
Our ladies prepared a special dinner, and everyone invited and brought visitors. Although we were missing several of our own people due to illness, and traveling, we had 103 people in attendance, with 11 people saved! Amen!!
We have had 26 people saved on soul-winning, visitation, and in church services. Gabi, was led to the Lord by Pati, one of our teen girls. Through Pati’s testimony, and by the changes Gabi’s family saw in her, they came to church when Gabi was baptized, then came another time and got saved!!! They have been coming faithfully ever since!

Teens: Our teen department is continuing strong, although we have seen the “enemy” trick 5 of our teens into thinking that they can have more fun with the rock music, smoking, tattooing, carousing crowd.
A good friend from El Paso, who had lived that life before he got saved, came to visit us, and taught our teens that all the world, (Satan) has to offer is heartache and deception. It was a special blessing to our teens.
Some of the girls have been preparing specials to sing in church services, which has been a tremendous blessing. They have also been helping with music during their youth meetings.

Family: We took my in-laws to Los Mochis, to visit missionary friends, the Collins, for Thanksgiving. We sure had a great time!
Our second son, Andrew and his wife, Shana, came to visit us for Christmas. It was a special blessing to get to know her better, as well as to have him preach for us!

Praise: Salvations; Christmas program; Teens enthusiasm; Family here for the holidays

Prayer: Saved to get baptized; Pastor for the church; Teens who have strayed

In His Service,

November and December 2005

Dear Friends in Christ,

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2 Timothy 3: 1

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa continues to have a very good spirit but is down a little in attendance. We’ve been feeling the economic crunch, which has forced some of our people to work second jobs, and some of our ladies have had to go to work just to make ends meet.
We have seen 35 people saved in services, or on visitation, and special visits. Amen! We baptized 5 people the last Sunday of September.
Our visitation efforts continue to yield fruit, although we’d like to see more come out to knock doors. Thank the Lord for the faithful ones.
Please continue to pray that the Lord would provide the right Mexican man to pastor the church here.

All Church Picnic: Before the cold weather, we decided to have a “Dla de Campo” (picnic) and 47 of our folks came out. The men did the cooking and the ladies prepared the rest of the meal.
Our youth director had games and competitions for young and old alike, and we had a great time of fellowship.
Two vehicles got stuck in the river that we had to cross, so we had fun getting them out. The highlight of the day was one new teen trusting Christ as his Savior, and another coming forward for assurance.

Teens: As our teens have gotten back into the full swing of school, projects, and various homework assignments, they haven’t been able to attend church as faithfully as they had been. Of course, the sports programs of the schools also demand much of their time, and quite often their games fall on days when we have services and activities.
Please continue praying for our teen’s faithfulness, especially for Perla & César, who have been missing more and more.

Praise: People saved, and baptized; Faithfulness of the faithful

Prayer: People saved on visitation to come out to services; More to submit to baptism; Teens – especially Perla & César; Need for additional personal support; National Pastor for the church

In His Service,