January and February 2006

Dear Friends in Christ,

“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.” 1 John 4:9

Happy New Year! We trust that all of you had a wonderful Christmas, as we did. We’re excited to see what wonderful things the Lord has in store for this New Year!

Anáhuac: The “Precious Seed Baptist Church” had a special Christmas program; celebrating Christ’s coming to this earth to redeem us from our sin.
The teachers in the Sunday School classes and the children honored the Lord with a great testimony of the Lord’s grace and mercy in coming to save us.
The teens prepared a drama that depicted the real meaning of Christmas, and that special care must be taken to honor Him every day of the year.
Our ladies prepared a special dinner, and everyone invited and brought visitors. Although we were missing several of our own people due to illness, and traveling, we had 103 people in attendance, with 11 people saved! Amen!!
We have had 26 people saved on soul-winning, visitation, and in church services. Gabi, was led to the Lord by Pati, one of our teen girls. Through Pati’s testimony, and by the changes Gabi’s family saw in her, they came to church when Gabi was baptized, then came another time and got saved!!! They have been coming faithfully ever since!

Teens: Our teen department is continuing strong, although we have seen the “enemy” trick 5 of our teens into thinking that they can have more fun with the rock music, smoking, tattooing, carousing crowd.
A good friend from El Paso, who had lived that life before he got saved, came to visit us, and taught our teens that all the world, (Satan) has to offer is heartache and deception. It was a special blessing to our teens.
Some of the girls have been preparing specials to sing in church services, which has been a tremendous blessing. They have also been helping with music during their youth meetings.

Family: We took my in-laws to Los Mochis, to visit missionary friends, the Collins, for Thanksgiving. We sure had a great time!
Our second son, Andrew and his wife, Shana, came to visit us for Christmas. It was a special blessing to get to know her better, as well as to have him preach for us!

Praise: Salvations; Christmas program; Teens enthusiasm; Family here for the holidays

Prayer: Saved to get baptized; Pastor for the church; Teens who have strayed

In His Service,