November and December 2005

Dear Friends in Christ,

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” 2 Timothy 3: 1

Anáhuac: The Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa continues to have a very good spirit but is down a little in attendance. We’ve been feeling the economic crunch, which has forced some of our people to work second jobs, and some of our ladies have had to go to work just to make ends meet.
We have seen 35 people saved in services, or on visitation, and special visits. Amen! We baptized 5 people the last Sunday of September.
Our visitation efforts continue to yield fruit, although we’d like to see more come out to knock doors. Thank the Lord for the faithful ones.
Please continue to pray that the Lord would provide the right Mexican man to pastor the church here.

All Church Picnic: Before the cold weather, we decided to have a “Dla de Campo” (picnic) and 47 of our folks came out. The men did the cooking and the ladies prepared the rest of the meal.
Our youth director had games and competitions for young and old alike, and we had a great time of fellowship.
Two vehicles got stuck in the river that we had to cross, so we had fun getting them out. The highlight of the day was one new teen trusting Christ as his Savior, and another coming forward for assurance.

Teens: As our teens have gotten back into the full swing of school, projects, and various homework assignments, they haven’t been able to attend church as faithfully as they had been. Of course, the sports programs of the schools also demand much of their time, and quite often their games fall on days when we have services and activities.
Please continue praying for our teen’s faithfulness, especially for Perla & César, who have been missing more and more.

Praise: People saved, and baptized; Faithfulness of the faithful

Prayer: People saved on visitation to come out to services; More to submit to baptism; Teens – especially Perla & César; Need for additional personal support; National Pastor for the church

In His Service,