July, August & September 2023

Dear Friends in Christ,
Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church…that we might be fellow helpers to the truth. -3 John 1:6a, 8b

   25th Anniversary: My son Josh and his family of 6 went with me to Mexico to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first church we started, the Iglesia Bautista Semilla Preciosa in Anáhuac, Chihuahua.  My son Andrew also came down to preach at the celebration.  It was a great time to reminisce and fellowship with the church, old members and new! 
    The day before the anniversary, José Luis, a pastor friend from Jimenez, Chihuahua married a young lady from the church in Anáhuac! 
    “Hands to the Work” ministry: After the anniversary celebrations on Sunday, we went 2 hours to Delicias, Chihuahua and unloaded a set of pews to their new church home that night.  On Monday, we left pews at the church in Camargo for another church in the area.  Then drove 2 days south to deliver a set of pews to Zamora, Michoacán.  Heading north, I preached Wednesday night in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, then left some windows in Los Mochis, Sinaloa.  We unloaded pews, doors, windows and 50 boxes of school uniforms in Navojoa, Sonora for the children’s home and Bible Institute there and for other churches in the area.  I preached in Navojoa on Sunday morning and 3 adults trusted Christ as their Saviour!  Sunday afternoon, we left the last set of pews in Los Hornos, Sonora, on the way to preach in Guasave, Sonora where another man was saved!
    It was a long, hard 14 day, 4,200 mile trip, but a big blessing to at least 7 churches!
    We had 3 breakdowns on the trip, but all were where we could get replacement parts, so we weren’t stranded by the highway, and the Lord provided for the parts!  Praise the Lord!                         
Furlough:  I’m currently on a furlough to report to supporting churches out East and North to inform them in person, that I’m changing my base of operations for the “Hands to the Work” ministry from Mexico to Oklahoma.  I also need to raise more ministry support!
    My 11 year-old grandson, Caleb came along to help me and is seeing many educational sites and beautiful scenery, and is making new friends at every church!  It has been great to spend some time with him, as I’ve never had much time with him or any of my grandchildren.
    We’ve also had numerous opportunities to witness and pass out gospel tracts in barber shops, laundromats, filling stations, etc.!  We find a person here and there that is very thankful we shared the gospel with them!  Some still want to know the truth!
    Community Baptist in Siler City, NC took the ministry on for support!  Praise the Lord!
    It’s been a blessing to update the churches as to my change of ministry, to renew old acquaintances and meet new people as far north as Aylmer, Ontario, Canada!
Praise: 25 years of 1st church; Safety, 7 Mexican states, materials to 7 churches, preached 6 times with 4 saved!  Supporting churches still holding the ropes in spite of adversities!
Prayer: Safety on furlough; Opportunities to witness, souls to be saved; Churches challenged
Ron Winter
Your Co-laborer, Ministering to Churches in Mexico